Top 20 Free and Open Source SIEM Tools with Freemium Options

What is Open-source code?

Open-source code, also referred to as open-source software or simply open source, is a type of software that is distributed with a license that allows anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute its underlying source code. In other words, open-source code is made freely available to the public, encouraging collaboration, transparency, and community-driven development. This approach stands in contrast to proprietary or closed-source software, which keeps its source code private and restricts access to only the compiled executable version of the program.

Open-source software is typically developed and maintained by a community of volunteers or organizations who work collectively to improve the software. This collaborative and open nature has led to the creation of a wide range of applications, from operating systems like Linux to web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and productivity suites like LibreOffice. The open-source philosophy promotes innovation, peer review, and the sharing of knowledge, fostering a culture of accessibility and inclusivity in the world of software development. This has made open source a vital part of the modern technological landscape, contributing to a vast array of solutions across various domains and industries.

What is a SIEM tool ?

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool is a comprehensive cybersecurity solution designed to help organizations manage and analyze the vast amount of data generated by their IT infrastructure and security systems. SIEM tools collect, correlate, and analyze data from various sources, such as network devices, servers, applications, and security appliances, to provide real-time insights into an organization’s security posture. By monitoring and alerting on potential security incidents, SIEM tools play a crucial role in threat detection, incident response, and compliance management. They help organizations identify and respond to security threats, comply with regulatory requirements, and improve overall cybersecurity effectiveness by providing a centralized platform for security monitoring and analysis.

Here are 20 SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools that are available for free, as freemium, or open source:

1.AlienVault OSSIMa

AlienVault OSSIM, which stands for Open Source Security Information and Event Management, was an open-source security tool created by AlienVault. It was designed to help organizations with limited budgets or resources to enhance their cybersecurity posture. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, AlienVault OSSIM was a popular choice for small to medium-sized businesses and security enthusiasts looking for a cost-effective way to monitor and manage their IT infrastructure’s security.

Here are some key features and aspects of AlienVault OSSIM:

  1. Unified Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): AlienVault OSSIM provided SIEM functionality, which allows it to collect and correlate data from various security-related sources, such as logs, events, and alerts from firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS/IPS), antivirus software, and more. This unified view helps in detecting and responding to security incidents effectively.
  2. Log Management: The platform collected and analyzed log data from a wide range of sources, enabling security administrators to gain insights into potential security threats.
  3. Vulnerability Assessment: AlienVault OSSIM incorporated vulnerability scanning capabilities, which helped organizations identify weaknesses in their IT infrastructure and prioritize security patches.
  4. Threat Intelligence: The tool integrated threat intelligence feeds to provide information on known threats, allowing users to understand the current threat landscape.
  5. Incident Response: AlienVault OSSIM aided in incident detection and response by providing real-time alerts and customizable incident response workflows.
  6. Security Reporting and Dashboards: The platform included reporting and dashboard features, allowing users to visualize security data and generate compliance reports.
  7. Open Source: One of the significant advantages of AlienVault OSSIM was that it was open-source, meaning it was freely available for use and could be customized to meet specific requirements.

It’s worth noting that the cybersecurity landscape is dynamic, and tools evolve rapidly. As of my last update in September 2021, AlienVault OSSIM was popular. However, it’s possible that there have been developments, changes, or new tools introduced in the field of SIEM and security since that time. Users interested in implementing SIEM solutions should consider the latest options and assess their specific needs and budget constraints.


Wazuh is an open-source security monitoring platform designed to enhance security visibility, detect threats, and provide real-time threat analysis and incident response capabilities for IT environments. It is a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS), log analysis tool, vulnerability detection tool, and security information and event management (SIEM) system, all rolled into one. Wazuh is built on the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), providing powerful log analysis and visualization capabilities.

Here are some key features and components of Wazuh:

  1. Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS): Wazuh agents can be installed on endpoints (servers and workstations) to monitor system and application logs, detecting any suspicious or potentially malicious activity. It can identify a wide range of security threats, including malware, rootkits, and unauthorized access attempts.
  2. Log Analysis: Wazuh collects and analyzes log data from various sources, such as system logs, application logs, and security event logs. It helps in identifying anomalies, potential security breaches, and other security-related issues by correlating and analyzing log information.
  3. Vulnerability Detection: Wazuh includes vulnerability detection capabilities that can scan systems for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. It can be integrated with tools like the Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) to identify weaknesses in the system.
  4. Real-time Alerts and Notifications: Wazuh provides real-time alerts when it detects security incidents, suspicious activity, or policy violations. These alerts can be configured to notify administrators via email, SMS, or other channels.
  5. Integration with Security Tools: Wazuh can be integrated with other security tools and platforms, including SIEM systems, threat intelligence feeds, and incident response workflows, making it a valuable component in a broader security ecosystem.
  6. Custom Rules and Decoders: Users can create custom rules and decoders to tailor Wazuh to their specific environment and needs. This flexibility allows organizations to focus on the most relevant security threats.
  7. Scalability: Wazuh can scale to accommodate large and complex environments, making it suitable for organizations of various sizes.
  8. Dashboard and Visualization: Wazuh comes with a web-based user interface that provides dashboards and visualizations through Kibana, offering a user-friendly way to explore and analyze security data.
  9. Compliance Monitoring: Wazuh helps organizations maintain compliance with various security standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS, CIS, and GDPR, by providing predefined rule sets and reporting features.

Wazuh is widely used in both small and large organizations as a cost-effective and powerful tool for enhancing security and threat detection capabilities. It can help organizations stay proactive in identifying and mitigating security risks and incidents, ultimately improving their overall cybersecurity posture.


Snort is a widely used open-source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS) software that is known for its effectiveness in identifying and mitigating network-based threats and attacks. Developed by Martin Roesch in 1998, Snort has since gained popularity and is actively maintained as an open-source project.

Here are some key points about Snort:

  1. Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Snort primarily functions as an intrusion detection system (IDS), monitoring network traffic in real-time and analyzing it for signs of suspicious or malicious activity. It can also operate as an intrusion prevention system (IPS), actively blocking or taking action against detected threats.
  2. Rule-Based: Snort uses a rule-based detection mechanism. Users can define custom rules or use predefined rule sets to specify the patterns and behaviors they want to detect. These rules can be tailored to specific network environments and security needs.
  3. Traffic Inspection: Snort examines network packets and traffic flows, looking for patterns and signatures that match known attack patterns, malware, or other security threats. It can inspect both the packet headers and payload content.
  4. Logging and Alerts: When Snort detects a potential security threat, it generates alerts, which can be logged, displayed in real-time, or sent to security administrators for further analysis and response.
  5. Community and Subscriptions: Snort is open source and has a large user community that contributes to its rule sets and ongoing development. Additionally, there are commercial subscription services available, such as Snort Subscriber Rules (formerly known as Sourcefire VRT rules), which provide timely updates and support.
  6. Customization: Users can customize Snort’s rule sets, policies, and configurations to adapt it to their specific network environment and security requirements. This flexibility makes Snort a valuable tool for a wide range of organizations.
  7. Use Cases: Snort is widely used in various security scenarios, including network security monitoring, intrusion detection, threat intelligence, and security incident response. It can be integrated into existing security infrastructures to enhance overall threat detection and response capabilities.
  8. Performance: Snort is known for its efficiency and low resource consumption, making it suitable for deployment in both small and large networks.
  9. Integration: Snort can be integrated with other security tools and SIEM systems to provide a more comprehensive security solution. This allows organizations to correlate Snort alerts with other security data for a more holistic view of their security landscape.

Snort’s versatility, cost-effectiveness (as an open-source tool), and active user community make it a popular choice for organizations looking to enhance their network security by detecting and mitigating potential threats.


OSSEC (Open Source Security Information and Event Management) is a widely used open-source security information and event management (SIEM) system and intrusion detection system (IDS). It is designed to help organizations enhance their cybersecurity posture by providing real-time monitoring and alerting for potential security incidents.

OSSEC offers several key features and capabilities:

  1. Log Analysis: OSSEC can collect and analyze log data from various sources, including servers, network devices, and applications. It performs log analysis to detect potential security events, anomalies, and suspicious activities.
  2. Intrusion Detection: OSSEC incorporates host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) and intrusion prevention (HIPS) features. It can identify unauthorized access, malware infections, and other security threats by monitoring system files, registries, and other critical components.
  3. Real-time Alerts: When OSSEC detects security incidents or anomalies, it generates real-time alerts and notifications, allowing security personnel to respond promptly to potential threats.
  4. Active Response: OSSEC can be configured to take automated responses, such as blocking IP addresses or executing custom scripts, when specific security events are triggered.
  5. File Integrity Monitoring: It can track changes to critical system files and directories, alerting administrators to unauthorized modifications, a common sign of compromise.
  6. Decentralized Architecture: OSSEC has a flexible and scalable architecture, making it suitable for large and distributed environments. It can centralize log data from multiple sources, making it easier to manage and analyze security information.
  7. Customization: OSSEC is highly customizable, allowing organizations to define their own security rules and policies. This flexibility makes it adaptable to specific security requirements and environments.
  8. Active Community: OSSEC is an open-source project with an active community of developers and users. This community support helps ensure that the tool remains up-to-date and reliable.
  9. Compliance Reporting: OSSEC can assist organizations in meeting regulatory compliance requirements by providing detailed reporting and log management features.
  10. Integration: It can be integrated with other security tools and SIEM systems to enhance overall security monitoring and incident response capabilities.

OSSEC is a popular choice for organizations that require a cost-effective and versatile SIEM and IDS solution. It can be particularly beneficial for those looking to strengthen their security posture and effectively detect and respond to cyber threats. While OSSEC is open source and free to use, there are also commercial solutions built on top of it that offer additional features and support for enterprises with more extensive security needs.


“Sagan” is an open-source, high-performance log and event analysis engine. It’s primarily used for security monitoring, network forensics, and incident response. Sagan is designed to work as a real-time traffic and event analysis engine that can take in log data from various sources, analyze it, and generate alerts or reports based on predefined rules or signatures.

Here are some key features and information about Sagan:

  1. Log and Event Analysis: Sagan’s primary function is to collect and analyze logs and events from various sources, including network traffic, system logs, and application logs.
  2. Rule-Based Analysis: Sagan uses a rule-based system to detect specific events or patterns within log data. These rules can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization’s security monitoring.
  3. Integration with Snort: Sagan is closely related to Snort, a popular open-source intrusion detection system (IDS). Sagan can use Snort’s rule sets and integrates well with it for network-based threat detection.
  4. Real-Time Alerts: Sagan is capable of generating real-time alerts when it detects suspicious or malicious activity based on the defined rules. These alerts can be sent to security personnel for immediate action.
  5. Support for Various Log Formats: Sagan can handle logs in different formats, making it versatile in integrating with a wide range of devices and applications.
  6. Scalability: Sagan is known for its scalability, allowing it to handle large volumes of log data and traffic. This is crucial for enterprises with extensive network infrastructures.
  7. Open Source: Sagan is open-source software, which means it’s freely available for organizations to use, modify, and extend to meet their specific requirements.
  8. Community Support: The Sagan project has an active user community and contributors, which means users can find resources, documentation, and support from the community.
  9. Customization: Organizations can tailor Sagan to their specific security needs by creating custom rules and configurations.

Sagan is a valuable tool for organizations looking to enhance their security monitoring and incident response capabilities. It can help identify potential threats, reduce false positives, and enable quicker responses to security incidents. offers an exceptionally cost-effective Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool built on the foundation of a hosted ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Stack. The ELK Stack, consisting of Elasticsearch for data storage and search, Logstash for data collection and transformation, and Kibana for data visualization, is well-regarded in the SIEM landscape for its comprehensive capabilities. Additionally, the ELK Stack is central to the architecture of various other SIEM solutions like OSSEC, Apache Metron, SIEM Monster, and Wazuh.’s SIEM as a Service is a managed solution that provides all the essential components required for organizations to enhance their security operations, all at highly competitive rates within the industry. It is designed with high availability and offers Service Level Agreements (SLAs) of up to 99.999%, ensuring the reliability and scalability of your SIEM solution.

Key features of’s SIEM tool include:

  1. Advanced Role-Based Access Controls: Ensuring that the right personnel have access to the right data and functionalities, enhancing security and compliance.
  2. Lightning-Fast Deployment: A quick and hassle-free setup process, allowing organizations to start monitoring their security events promptly.
  3. Hundreds of Integrations: Seamless integration with a wide range of data sources and security tools to consolidate and analyze diverse data sets.
  4. Compliance & Auditing: Helping organizations meet regulatory requirements by providing auditing capabilities and ensuring data integrity.
  5. Affordable SIEM: A cost-effective solution suitable for organizations of various sizes, offering powerful SIEM capabilities without breaking the budget.
  6. Event Correlation: The ability to correlate security events and data to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  7. Scheduled Reports: Providing regular reports on security events and incidents, aiding in compliance reporting and threat analysis.
  8. Alerting & Notifications: Immediate alerts and notifications to security teams in response to suspicious activities or incidents. has garnered a stellar reputation, reflected by its 5/5 star ratings on review platforms like Capterra, Software Advice, and Gartner. These high ratings underscore the quality and satisfaction of users with their SIEM service, making it a strong candidate for organizations seeking a reliable, affordable, and feature-rich solution to bolster their security posture.

7.Apache Metron

Apache Metron is a powerful and flexible tool tailored for organizations seeking robust security solutions in the realm of Big Data. This open-source project offers a scalable and sophisticated security analytics framework, enabling organizations to effectively identify cyber threats and respond promptly to emerging anomalies.

Key Features of Apache Metron:

  1. SOC Analyst Support: Apache Metron assists Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts in swiftly identifying security alerts. It processes and correlates data from diverse sources, making it easier to spot potential threats and anomalies.
  2. SOC Investigator Tools: For SOC investigators, Metron provides a means to delve deeper into detected anomalies, facilitating thorough triage and investigation. This aids in understanding the nature and severity of security incidents.
  3. SOC Manager Integration: Metron can automatically create cases and seamlessly integrate with workflow systems. This streamlines incident management by providing a structured approach to dealing with security events.
  4. Forensic Investigator Capabilities: In real-time, Metron enables forensic investigators to collect evidence, enhancing the response to security incidents. This feature is crucial for preserving evidence and understanding the scope of a breach.
  5. Security Platform Engineering: Metron serves as a centralized platform for managing and operating the integration and processing of cyber data. It simplifies the task of collecting and processing data from various sources.
  6. Security Data Science Support: The tool is equipped for data science lifecycle activities, allowing security data scientists to train, evaluate, and score analytical models. This supports the development of sophisticated threat detection and response strategies.

In summary, Apache Metron is an invaluable asset for organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity posture in the age of Big Data. Its scalability, comprehensive features, and integration capabilities empower security teams to detect and respond to cyber threats efficiently, making it an essential tool in the arsenal of modern security professionals.


Prelude is an open-source Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system designed to help organizations monitor, manage, and analyze security events and incidents within their IT environments. It was created to provide a robust and extensible platform for collecting, normalizing, and correlating security-related data from various sources. Here are some key points about Prelude:

  1. Open Source: Prelude is open-source software, which means it is freely available for anyone to download, use, and modify. This makes it accessible and customizable for a wide range of organizations.
  2. Multi-Platform: Prelude is designed to work on multiple platforms and operating systems. It can be integrated into a variety of network and security architectures.
  3. Event Collection: The core function of Prelude is to collect and aggregate security events from diverse sources, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and other security appliances.
  4. Normalization: Prelude normalizes the incoming data, which means it converts data from various sources into a consistent format, making it easier to analyze and correlate events.
  5. Correlation: One of the primary features of SIEM tools is event correlation. Prelude identifies patterns and relationships in security events to help organizations detect unusual or suspicious activities that may indicate security threats.
  6. Real-Time Monitoring: Prelude provides real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing security teams to react swiftly to security incidents as they occur. This is crucial for mitigating threats and minimizing damage.
  7. Alerting and Reporting: When Prelude detects a security incident or anomaly, it can generate alerts and reports for security analysts to investigate further. These alerts can be customized based on an organization’s specific security policies.
  8. Customization and Extensibility: Prelude is highly extensible, allowing organizations to add custom plugins and rules to adapt the system to their unique security needs.
  9. Integration: It can integrate with other security tools and systems, making it part of a broader security infrastructure. This integration enhances an organization’s ability to respond to security incidents effectively.
  10. Compliance: Prelude can help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements by providing detailed logging and reporting capabilities.
  11. Community Support: Being open source, Prelude benefits from a community of developers and users who contribute to its development and offer support through forums and documentation.

Prelude is a valuable tool for organizations looking to enhance their security posture by effectively monitoring and responding to security events and incidents. Its open-source nature and extensibility make it a flexible choice for organizations of different sizes and industries. However, like all SIEM systems, it does require expertise in cybersecurity and event analysis to be used effectively.


Splunk Free is the no-cost version of Splunk Enterprise, a robust and versatile Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool designed for managing and analyzing data across your organization’s IT infrastructure and security systems. While Splunk Free offers a taste of its paid counterpart’s capabilities, it may not suffice for all the security needs, especially as your organization expands.

With Splunk Free, you can index up to 500MB of data daily, and unlike some free tools with time restrictions, there’s no expiration date on its use. This means you can continuously add 500 MB of fresh data each day, which is valuable for smaller organizations or those just starting on their security journey.

Splunk Enterprise distinguishes itself through the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, allowing it to evolve and adapt to emerging threats over time, making it more adept at addressing security challenges.

However, it’s important to note that Splunk Free comes with certain limitations, including the following disabled features:

  1. Alerting and Monitoring: Splunk Free lacks the ability to set up alerts and perform active monitoring, which are vital for promptly identifying and responding to security incidents.
  2. User Roles and Login Capabilities: In the free version, you won’t have the option to define different user roles or provide login credentials for multiple users, which can be a drawback for organizations requiring user-specific access.
  3. Deployment Management Capabilities: Managing the deployment and scaling of Splunk instances is restricted, limiting your ability to tailor the tool to your organization’s growing needs.
  4. Index Clustering: Index clustering, an essential feature for handling large volumes of data, is not available in the free version. This may pose challenges as your data storage requirements increase.

In summary, Splunk Free offers a starting point for organizations interested in exploring the capabilities of Splunk, but it comes with some limitations. As your organization’s security needs and data volumes grow, you may find it necessary to transition to the enterprise version of Splunk Enterprise, which provides enhanced capabilities and scalability to meet the evolving demands of a larger and more complex IT environment. Smaller enterprises, in particular, have found value in using Splunk Free, as it can be a valuable stepping stone toward more comprehensive security solutions.


MozDef is a cybersecurity platform initially developed by Mozilla and currently operated within an AWS (Amazon Web Services) account. Contrary to its description as a tool for attackers, MozDef is, in fact, a robust defense and incident response system designed to bolster an organization’s security posture.

The primary objectives guiding the creation of MozDef are as follows:

  1. Rapid Incident Discovery and Response: MozDef’s core purpose is to empower security defenders to swiftly identify and respond to security incidents. It serves as a central hub for monitoring and reacting to potential threats, ensuring that cybersecurity teams can take timely and effective action.
  2. Metrics for Security Events and Incidents: MozDef goes beyond just incident response; it also provides valuable metrics and insights into security events and incidents. These metrics enable organizations to gauge the effectiveness of their security measures and make data-driven decisions to enhance their overall security strategies.
  3. Streamlining Incident Handling: MozDef facilitates the establishment of standardized and predictable incident handling processes. By doing so, it ensures that security teams can efficiently manage and mitigate security incidents while adhering to best practices and compliance requirements.
  4. Real-Time Collaboration: One of MozDef’s significant strengths is its ability to foster real-time collaboration among incident handling teams. This feature encourages a coordinated response to security incidents, allowing experts to work together seamlessly to analyze, assess, and mitigate threats.

In essence, MozDef is a vital cybersecurity tool that enhances an organization’s ability to defend against threats and effectively respond to security incidents. It fosters a culture of collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and streamlined incident management, making it a valuable asset in the realm of cybersecurity defense.

11.Security Onion

Security Onion is a specialized Linux distribution with a primary focus on intrusion detection and Enterprise Security Monitoring (ESM). It was initially developed in 2008 by Doug Burks, and his efforts later led to the establishment of Security Onion Solutions in 2014. This platform offers a flexible and powerful toolkit for organizations seeking robust threat hunting capabilities, comprehensive security monitoring, and features commonly associated with logging systems.

Key features and components of Security Onion include:

  1. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Security Onion combines both host-based and network-based intrusion detection systems (IDS) to provide thorough security coverage. It collects and analyzes network events from various sources, including Zeek (formerly known as Bro) and Suricata, which allows for comprehensive monitoring of your organization’s network.
  2. Full Packet Capture (FPC): Security Onion’s ability to perform Full Packet Capture is a valuable asset for forensic investigations and incident response. It records all network traffic, enabling detailed analysis of security incidents and network activity.
  3. Integration of Security Tools: Security Onion is not just an IDS, but a comprehensive suite of security tools. It incorporates popular components such as Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (known as the ELK Stack) for log management and analysis. Additionally, it includes Suricata, Zeek, Wazuh, and other security tools to enhance threat detection and response capabilities.

Security Onion operates with various data types, allowing for detailed monitoring and analysis:

  • Agent Data: Information from host-based event collection agents, including tools like Wazuh, Beats, and Osquery, helps monitor the security of individual systems.
  • Alert Data: Security Onion generates alerts based on patterns and signatures, notifying administrators of potential security threats and incidents.
  • Asset Data: This data type helps organizations keep track of their network assets and provides insights into their security status.
  • Extracted Content: Security Onion extracts relevant content from network traffic for in-depth analysis.
  • Full Content: Full network traffic data is captured and stored for detailed forensic analysis, offering valuable context in incident investigations.
  • Session Data: Information about network sessions, including who is communicating with whom, can be useful for monitoring and detecting suspicious behavior.
  • Transaction Data: Transaction-level data provides insights into interactions and activities happening on the network.

In summary, Security Onion is a comprehensive and versatile cybersecurity tool that combines a range of security components to monitor, detect, and respond to threats within an organization’s network. Its capabilities make it an attractive option for those seeking to enhance their security posture through robust intrusion detection, threat hunting, and security monitoring.


Suricata is an open-source Network IDS, IPS, and Network Security Monitoring (NSM) engine. It is designed to monitor network traffic for signs of malicious activity and provide real-time intrusion detection and prevention capabilities. Here’s some key information about Suricata:

  1. Open Source Nature: Suricata is an open-source project, which means its source code is freely available to the public. This openness encourages a community of developers and security experts to contribute to its development and improvement.
  2. Multi-Threaded and High-Performance: One of Suricata’s distinguishing features is its multi-threaded architecture, which allows it to efficiently handle high-speed network traffic. This makes it suitable for use in high-traffic environments, such as data centers and large enterprise networks.
  3. Intrusion Detection (IDS) and Prevention (IPS): Suricata can function as both an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). As an IDS, it passively monitors network traffic for suspicious patterns and alerts security personnel. As an IPS, it can actively block or drop network packets when it identifies malicious activity, thus preventing potential threats.
  4. Protocol Support: Suricata supports a wide range of network protocols, including common ones like TCP, UDP, and ICMP, as well as more specialized ones like HTTP, DNS, and TLS. This broad protocol support enables it to analyze various types of network traffic.
  5. Signature-Based and Behavioral Detection: Suricata can perform signature-based detection, which involves matching network traffic patterns against predefined rules or signatures. It can also employ behavioral detection techniques, looking for deviations from normal network behavior, which can be indicative of threats.
  6. Advanced Threat Detection: Beyond basic IDS and IPS capabilities, Suricata has the ability to detect more advanced threats, such as zero-day attacks, botnets, and other sophisticated malware. This is accomplished through its support for threat intelligence feeds and custom rule sets.
  7. Traffic Logging and Analysis: Suricata can log network traffic and security events for later analysis. This is useful for incident response, forensics, and compliance purposes. It can also generate reports and statistics for network monitoring and security assessment.
  8. Community and Commercial Support: Suricata is supported by an active community of users and developers, and it is often used in conjunction with other open-source security tools like Snort and Bro/Zeek. Additionally, there are commercial offerings and services available for organizations seeking professional support and enterprise-grade features.
  9. Integration with Other Tools: Suricata can be integrated with other security tools and systems, such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms, to provide a more comprehensive security solution.

Suricata is a versatile and powerful network security tool that helps organizations protect their networks from a wide range of threats. Its combination of signature-based and behavioral detection, along with its high-performance architecture, makes it a valuable asset in modern network security setups.


Graylog is an open-source log management and log analysis platform that is designed to help organizations collect, store, and analyze large volumes of log data from various sources. It is a powerful tool used for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analyzing the activity and events in an IT environment. Below is some key information about Graylog:

  1. Log Management and Analysis: Graylog is primarily used for log management and log analysis. It can collect log data from a wide range of sources, including servers, applications, network devices, and security appliances, and centralize them in a single location.
  2. Open Source: Graylog is an open-source tool, which means that the community can access, modify, and contribute to its source code. This makes it cost-effective and allows for flexibility in customizing it to specific needs.
  3. Centralized Logging: Graylog provides a centralized platform for storing log data. It is particularly useful in large or complex IT environments where log data may be spread across various systems.
  4. Real-Time Data Analysis: Graylog allows you to search and analyze log data in real time, making it valuable for incident detection and troubleshooting. It offers powerful search capabilities and supports complex queries.
  5. Alerting: The platform has alerting features that enable you to define conditions and receive notifications when specific events or patterns are detected in the log data. This is crucial for proactive monitoring and incident response.
  6. Scalability: Graylog is scalable and can handle high volumes of log data. It can be distributed across multiple nodes to accommodate larger data loads and to ensure high availability.
  7. Integration: Graylog supports integration with various data sources, including popular log shippers like Logstash and Beats. It can also integrate with external systems, such as ticketing systems and alerting tools.
  8. Dashboard and Visualization: Graylog offers customizable dashboards and visualization tools to help users create informative and visually appealing reports and graphs based on log data.
  9. Compliance and Security: It can assist organizations in meeting compliance requirements by retaining and securing log data. Access control and user authentication mechanisms ensure that log data is only accessible to authorized personnel.
  10. Community and Enterprise Versions: Graylog is available in both community and enterprise versions. The enterprise version offers additional features and support, making it suitable for larger organizations or those with more demanding requirements.
  11. Plugins and Extensions: Graylog has a plugin system that allows users to extend its functionality with additional features and integrations.

Overall, Graylog is a valuable tool for IT and security teams looking to centralize and analyze log data to detect security incidents, troubleshoot issues, and maintain compliance. Its open-source nature and active community make it a popular choice for organizations of various sizes.


Panther is a powerful security tool designed to streamline and simplify the consolidation of security data within an organization’s cloud data platform. It offers several key features that enhance security operations and efficiency:

  1. Integration with Cloud Data Platforms: Panther seamlessly integrates with your organization’s cloud data platform, facilitating the centralization of security data. This integration enables the tool to collect, process, and analyze data from various sources within your cloud infrastructure.
  2. Pre-built Log Parsing and Detection Rules: Panther comes with pre-configured log parsing and detection rules, which significantly simplifies the setup process for users. This means that security professionals don’t need to spend excessive time creating complex parsing rules from scratch, allowing for quicker deployment and more efficient threat detection.
  3. Customizable Real-time Alerts: Panther offers users the flexibility to create personalized, real-time alerts using Python. This customization ensures that security teams can tailor alerting to their specific needs and preferences, making it easier to respond promptly to security incidents.
  4. Integration with Popular Platforms: The platform supports out-of-the-box integration with popular destinations like Slack, Jira, PagerDuty, and more. This means that when security events are detected, Panther can automatically send alerts and notifications to these platforms, ensuring that the right personnel are informed and can take action.

Key features of Panther include:

  • Alert Triage: Panther facilitates efficient alert management and triage. It helps security teams prioritize and categorize alerts, ensuring that critical incidents are addressed promptly.
  • Searching IOCs (Indicators of Compromise): The tool allows for the quick and effective searching for IOCs, aiding in the identification of potential security threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Securing Cloud Resources: Panther provides robust capabilities to enhance the security of your cloud resources. It helps detect and respond to threats or misconfigurations within your cloud infrastructure, thus reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.

In summary, Panther is a comprehensive security solution that simplifies security data consolidation, enhances efficiency through pre-built rules and customization options, and ensures that security teams can quickly respond to threats by integrating with various notification platforms. Its features, including alert triage, IOC searching, and cloud resource security, make it a valuable asset for organizations looking to bolster their cybersecurity efforts in cloud-based environments.


Blumira is a cybersecurity platform that aims to streamline the Extended Detection and Response (XDR) experience for IT teams. XDR encompasses a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity by integrating various security tools and capabilities to provide a unified solution. Blumira combines key elements, including Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), endpoint monitoring, and automated detection and response, to offer a cohesive security solution.

Here are some key aspects of Blumira’s offering:

  1. Comprehensive Security Solution: Blumira provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help organizations effectively manage their cybersecurity. This includes SIEM for centralized data collection and analysis, endpoint monitoring to track activities on individual devices, and automated detection and response mechanisms.
  2. Threat Detection: By harnessing advanced threat detection capabilities, Blumira helps organizations identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities in their IT environments. This proactive approach allows for early threat identification, minimizing the potential impact of security incidents.
  3. Real-Time Alerts: Blumira’s platform delivers real-time alerts, often within a minute of detecting suspicious or potentially malicious activities. These timely alerts empower IT teams to respond swiftly to security threats, which is crucial in preventing or mitigating potential breaches.
  4. Prioritized Findings: Blumira’s platform features prioritized findings that have been carefully curated by their team of security engineers. This curation process reduces the burden of manual alert analysis for IT teams, enabling them to focus on the most critical security issues.

Additional features provided by Blumira include:

  • Automated Host Isolation: The platform offers the capability to automatically isolate compromised hosts, preventing further spread of threats within the network.
  • Manual Dynamic Blocklists: IT teams can create and manage dynamic blocklists to restrict network access for specific entities or applications based on emerging threats.
  • Managed Detections & Rule Insight: Blumira provides insights into managed detections and rule configurations, ensuring that the security posture remains up to date and effective in response to evolving threats.

In summary, Blumira offers a holistic cybersecurity solution that combines SIEM, endpoint monitoring, and automated detection and response to enhance an organization’s ability to safeguard its IT infrastructure. By providing real-time alerts and prioritized findings, Blumira helps IT teams stay ahead of potential security threats and minimizes the complexities of manual analysis, ultimately strengthening overall cybersecurity defenses.


The IBM Security QRadar Suite is a robust solution tailored to bolster an organization’s threat detection and response capabilities. Its primary objective is to streamline and optimize the workflow of security analysts across all phases of the incident management cycle. This suite is particularly valuable for security teams dealing with resource constraints, allowing them to operate more efficiently across a diverse array of core technologies.

The suite comprises a wide array of products that encompass different aspects of security, including:

  1. Endpoint Security (EDR, XDR, and MDR): It provides comprehensive coverage for endpoint security, utilizing technologies like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Extended Detection and Response (XDR), and Managed Detection and Response (MDR). These capabilities enhance the ability to identify and respond to security threats on individual devices.
  2. Log Management: QRadar offers powerful log management capabilities, allowing organizations to collect, store, and analyze logs from various sources within their IT infrastructure. This is crucial for gaining insights into system activities and security events.
  3. SIEM (Security Information and Event Management): As part of the suite, QRadar includes SIEM functionality. SIEM helps in the real-time monitoring and analysis of security events, enabling early detection of potential threats and breaches. It can correlate data from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s security posture.
  4. SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response): QRadar also includes Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response capabilities. This feature helps in automating the response to security incideants, making it faster and more consistent. It can also assist in incident coordination and collaboration among security teams.

Key features of the IBM Security QRadar Suite include:

  • Unified Analyst Experience: The suite offers a user-friendly interface and workflow that enhances the experience of security analysts, making it easier for them to perform their duties effectively and efficiently.
  • Pre-built Integrations: QRadar provides pre-built integrations with a wide range of security tools and technologies. This simplifies the process of connecting various components and streamlines the collection and correlation of security data.
  • Cloud Delivery: The suite can be deployed in the cloud, offering flexibility and scalability to organizations. This cloud-based approach allows for more efficient management and maintenance of security infrastructure.

In summary, the IBM Security QRadar Suite is a comprehensive and flexible solution for organizations looking to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. It empowers security teams to better detect, respond to, and manage security threats by offering a unified and streamlined approach to security operations, integrating key security technologies, and providing cloud-based deployment options.


Exabeam is a leading provider of a third-generation Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform that stands out for its user-friendly implementation process and its ability to significantly enhance security operations. This advanced SIEM solution is designed to help organizations identify, respond to, and defend against cybersecurity threats and adversaries effectively. By harnessing Exabeam’s expertise in cloud-scale security log management, behavioral analytics, and automated investigations, users can gain a distinct advantage in addressing insider threats and combating various cybercriminal activities.

Key features of Exabeam’s SIEM platform include:

  1. Powerful Behavioral Analytics: Exabeam’s SIEM employs cutting-edge behavioral analytics to detect unusual and potentially malicious activities within an organization’s network. By analyzing user and entity behavior, it can identify anomalies that may indicate security threats, even those that might go unnoticed by traditional security measures. This proactive approach helps organizations thwart attacks in their early stages.
  2. Automated Investigation Experience: The platform offers automated investigation capabilities, reducing the burden on security teams by streamlining the incident response process. It can analyze security events and suggest responses, aiding security professionals in quickly assessing and mitigating threats. This feature enhances the efficiency of security operations and minimizes the time required to investigate and respond to incidents.
  3. Cloud-Scale Security Log Management: Exabeam’s SIEM provides a scalable and efficient solution for managing security logs. With the ability to handle large volumes of log data, it ensures that organizations can store and access the information they need for security monitoring, compliance, and investigations. This cloud-scale approach is essential for organizations dealing with extensive and dynamic digital infrastructures.

In summary, Exabeam’s SIEM platform offers organizations a robust and user-friendly solution for bolstering their cybersecurity efforts. Its powerful behavioral analytics, automated investigation capabilities, and scalable log management ensure that security teams can more effectively detect and respond to threats, ultimately strengthening an organization’s overall security posture.


ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) is a powerful Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution developed by Micro Focus. It is designed to help organizations effectively manage and analyze security events and data from various sources in real-time. ArcSight ESM plays a critical role in enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity posture by providing the following features and functionalities:

  1. Event Correlation: ArcSight ESM can correlate data from diverse sources, such as logs, alerts, and network traffic, to identify potential security incidents. It uses predefined and custom correlation rules to detect anomalies and threats.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: The platform offers real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing security analysts to quickly identify and respond to security events as they occur.
  3. Centralized Logging and Data Management: ArcSight ESM centralizes the storage of security event data, making it easier to search, analyze, and retrieve historical information for compliance reporting and incident investigation.
  4. Threat Intelligence Integration: It can integrate with threat intelligence feeds, helping organizations stay up-to-date with the latest threats and vulnerabilities.
  5. Customizable Dashboards: Users can create customizable dashboards and reports, providing insights into security events and trends specific to their organization.
  6. Incident Investigation: ArcSight ESM assists security teams in conducting in-depth investigations by providing access to historical data and a wide range of analysis tools.
  7. Compliance Reporting: It helps organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements by generating reports and alerts based on predefined compliance policies.
  8. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): ArcSight ESM can use machine learning and behavioral analytics to detect unusual activities that may indicate insider threats or compromised accounts.
  9. Extensive Integration Capabilities: It integrates with various security and IT systems, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, and more, to provide a holistic view of an organization’s security posture.
  10. Scalability: ArcSight ESM is designed to handle the large volumes of data generated by enterprise-level environments and can scale to accommodate the needs of organizations of different sizes.
  11. Customization: The platform allows organizations to create custom rules and filters to tailor the system to their specific security requirements.

Overall, ArcSight ESM is a versatile and robust SIEM solution that enables organizations to proactively identify and respond to security threats, protect sensitive data, and maintain compliance with industry regulations. It is widely used in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, government, and more, to enhance their cybersecurity efforts.


FortiSIEM stands as a robust solution tailored to the needs of security operations teams, equipping users with a broad array of sophisticated capabilities. This platform streamlines various critical tasks, including the automated creation of asset inventories, while also harnessing advanced behavioral analytics for the swift identification and response to security threats. Notably, FortiSIEM features a fully integrated Configuration Management Database (CMDB), adding to its comprehensive offering. By seamlessly combining visibility, correlation, automated response, and remediation, FortiSIEM provides a scalable and all-encompassing solution for enhancing an organization’s security posture.

Key features of FortiSIEM encompass:

  1. Self-Learning Asset Inventory: FortiSIEM employs intelligent mechanisms to construct and maintain an up-to-date inventory of assets within an organization’s network. This proactive approach helps in asset management and risk assessment.
  2. Real-Time Security Analytics: The platform leverages real-time data analytics to detect and analyze potential security incidents, allowing security teams to respond swiftly to emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
  3. Industry-Leading Threat Intelligence: FortiSIEM integrates industry-standard threat intelligence sources, providing crucial insights into known threats and vulnerabilities, enabling proactive defense strategies.

In the realm of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), FortiSIEM encompasses the fundamental capabilities, including:

  • Log Collection: It gathers and centralizes logs and security data from diverse sources within the organization’s network.
  • Normalization: FortiSIEM standardizes the format and structure of collected data, making it easier to analyze and correlate.
  • Notifications and Alerts: It provides timely alerts and notifications when potential security incidents or anomalies are detected.
  • Threat Incident Detection: The platform employs sophisticated algorithms to identify security threats and incidents based on collected data and behavioral analysis.
  • Incident Response: FortiSIEM supports automated incident response processes, enabling security teams to take swift actions to mitigate and remediate security issues.

While open-source SIEM tools are available for public use, it’s important to note that free options may not provide the same level of value and features as paid solutions, particularly for enterprise-level usage. Open-source tools can serve as a useful starting point for organizations looking to explore SIEM capabilities. As security needs grow and mature, transitioning to paid options like FortiSIEM can offer enhanced functionality, support, and scalability tailored to the specific requirements of a business or organization.

20.SIEM Monster

SIEM Monster is a highly favored choice among organizations due to its exceptional flexibility, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes, including small, medium, and large enterprises. This security information and event management (SIEM) solution stands out by consolidating various open-source components into a single, centralized platform. It excels at providing real-time threat intelligence, enhancing security measures, and safeguarding users against immediate threats.

Some of the standout features of SIEM Monster include:

  1. Human-Based Behavior Analysis: SIEM Monster incorporates advanced correlation options to ensure that recorded threats are genuine, while effectively minimizing false positive alerts. This feature helps security teams focus on real security incidents, reducing the noise generated by irrelevant alarms.
  2. Real-time Threat Intelligence: SIEM Monster integrates real-time threat intelligence, drawing from a variety of sources including commercial and open-source feeds. This ensures that security professionals can promptly respond to emerging threats and vulnerabilities, bolstering the organization’s security posture.
  3. Deep Learning Capabilities: The SIEM Monster system harnesses machine learning at its core. It has the ability to learn from past security incidents and adapt to new threat patterns. This automated learning enables the system to proactively identify and neutralize potential attacks, helping to keep the network secure.

A notable advantage of SIEM Monster is its versatility in deployment. It can be implemented either on-site or in the cloud, offering organizations the flexibility to choose the hosting method that best aligns with their specific needs and infrastructure. This adaptability enables organizations to leverage SIEM Monster’s robust capabilities while retaining control over their preferred deployment environment, making it an appealing choice for a wide range of organizations.